Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 2

183 today, not bad. I felt a lot better today compared to yesterday. I slept well all night except getting up once to use the bathroom. I must have drunk my gallon of water yesterday. I used the dreaded nose sprays but it kept me unplugged all day until I got home then I took a capful of Nyquil had dinner and off to bed I’m going. I felt very productive at work, I learned a few new things and I burned a batch of cookies so I felt right at home. Everybody who stays at the Inn gets cookies and milk before bed. Makes you want to come stay there doesn’t it.
For breakfast I had 2 scrambled eggs and celery sticks. For my mid morning snack I had a cheese stick. For lunch I had chicken and broccoli and for a snack I had 1/3 avocado. For dinner I had chicken mixed with turkey and baked beans and I didn’t have a snack because I’m going to bed. I certainly didn’t feel hungry today. I drank a lot of water but I don’t think it was a gallon.
Today I turned 49, Terry said happy birthday to me this morning that’s how I remembered it was my birthday and Sarah and her family sang “Happy birthday” to me on the phone when I got home. Zach text me yesterday and asked if I would be up in the Salt Lake area for my birthday. I replied back and said “no, I got a job” I didn’t hear back from him. Molly called me the day before and said she got me another coffee table book, Anne Geddes(sp), I love her books. Mom told me happy birthday Saturday when I called to check in on her and Dave ( tomorrow is Dave’s B-day and the 21st is Mom’s B-day)they also sent me a beautiful card, thanks mom and Dave, I love you guys.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Happy Belated Birthday. You are amazing to put all this stuff out there. Way to go for sticking to it! Hope you had a great day!