Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 9

Today I weighed 200. I had a very good day today. I worked at Entrada this morning and my co-workers there haven’t seen me since my 2 eat a lot of fat days. I’ve lost 16 pounds since I saw them last. I was able to wear clothes that I haven’t worn for 2 years and they were loose on me. They all said they could see that I had lost weight and sweet LaRae said I had looked good before the diet too. I love my co-workers.
I just had tea and water for breakfast again and I grilled chicken on the George Forman Grill for lunch and had some celery with it.
I spent the day in the kitchen after work. I made chicken stock. I started it this morning before work and let it simmer about 10 hours. I strained it through cheesecloth first and then tried to strain it through coffee filters but as soon as the filters clogged up they wouldn’t let the stock flow through any more. I ended up with about 2 gallons of stock for myself and I made chicken noodle soup for my family out of the chicken, celery and onions I had boiled. I made them new stock with chicken cubes and water and it must have tasted good because my 2 girls that don’t eat much each had 2 bowls of it and my husband had 3. I sure wanted to eat some of the soup too along with the biscuits but I was strong and didn’t even sneak a taste.
For my dinner I had tilapia with tomatoes and strawberries for dessert.
My husband is so cute he keeps saying “You’re disappearing right before my eyes” I told him I feel like this is a dream and I’ll wake up tomorrow and it will all be over. He assures me it’s real.

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