Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 11

Today I weighed in at 199. The same as yesterday’s weight. Dr. Simeon’s book Pounds & Inches says that this will happen but I didn’t want it to happen so soon. The book says that when the fat cells empty of fat the cells are no longer needed and so they are broken down and water replaces them for a few days but will soon be flushed away. So the diet is still working it’s just in another phase for a couple of days. Still… I like to see the scale going down.

Did you know that Oreo cookies have a chemical in them that leaves you wanting to eat more Oreo’s? No wonder I could never eat just one. They don’t even have to list this on the package because the FDA says that it’s a safe ingredient.

My menu today: Tea, water and more water for breakfast. Grilled chicken, radishes, melba toast and an orange for lunch and on the run I grabbed chicken, cucumbers and melba toast for dinner.

I was kind of having dizzy spells on and off during the day and thought that I must be really tired, I get up at 4:00 am every morning and usually don’t get to bed until 9 or 10, think that could be it?

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