Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 3

I forgot to take my night time pills last night and thought I would die before I got out of bed but when I got up I was actually okay. My left knee was feeling kind of weird but it feels okay now. I weighed 215 when I got out of the shower this morning, ugh, here comes all that fat I’ve been eating for the last 2 days.

Today is the first 500 calorie day, for breakfast I’ll have tea and water. I’ll walk to work with my weights in my backpack instead of carrying them. Mirium said they could throw my back out if I carry them.

I dallied to long at home to leave in time to walk to work because I was fixing my lunch food so I had to drive but my husband came and picked up the truck so I walked home.
By about 10 a.m. I started to feel hungry so I ate ½ of a grapefruit and I drank water every time I felt hungry until lunch time. I can’t stop working to sit down and eat so I just take bites as I can. I had 3 oz. of boiled chicken and a ½ cup of red radishes. I forgot to buy melba toast so I didn’t have any to eat.

My husband and I went to a Christmas Dinner tonight, he loaded up his plate I got about 3 oz. of lean beef and a handful of lettuce. It’s funny that I really wasn’t very hungry, but I felt board and old habits wanted me to put something in my mouth. It made me realize how bad my eating was out of control.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Way to go MOM! I'm so proud of you!