Saturday, December 6, 2008

Diet eve

This is my 2nd post that was supposed to go online yesterday. Marium called me this morning and said that I will start my HCG diet on Saturday.
She said that for the first 2 days I am to eat (gorge on) a high fat content diet of hamburgers, fries, milk shakes, cookies, candy bars, bread & butter and so on.
Are you for real! I asked her why I would want to do that and she said it will kick start my metabolism or something like that, I’ll understand better as I read more and get going on this. When you don’t eat much your body holds onto fat and we want it to let go of the fat so eat away. So, the first thing I think about is a Big Mac. I haven’t had one of those in years. I was at a health fair a few years ago and the only thing I really remember about it was a booth that had a row of test tubes filled with fat from different foods. Some had a little bit in and others had more but the Big Mac had 2 tubes full of fat and it made me sick to think of all that fat going into my stomach. Don’t get me wrong, they taste wonderful and I still want one but this time it’s actually okay to eat one and not fell bad. Halleluiah brother! MacDonald’s, here I come. We’re talking large fries and large chocolate shake and maybe even a cherry turnover, oh yeah. That’s just lunch. Breakfast will be a huge glass of cold eggnog, undiluted, or maybe chocolate milk, I’m feeling kind of kinky and then dinner! Where should I go. How about Outback no… Chili’s, they have this creamy dish of pasta that is out of this world. Oh man, I’m drooling all over my computer.
Do you know that the Lin’s ad this week has Hershey’s candy cane kisses on sale for $2.79 a bag. (I bought 2) One of the first things my husband said when I told him about doing this diet was “Do I get to eat all your candy now?” “Not for two days!” I told him. I’m eating it as fast as I can, I never thought eating candy could be such a chore.
Marium had me come in for a Micro Fit Test today. I think she really just wanted to see how much hurt I could take before going down. She took those darn pictures of me and had them on the web site before I could edit them. Then she wanted to see how many times I could take off and put on my shoes and socks. Then she wanted to see how many stairs I could climb in three minutes, but I got her on that one. That was the only area where I was actually in shape because I have been walking to work the last five weeks. Then came the crunches, are you kidding me! You want me to use what muscles? It was a struggle to do one, I barely made two. I did a little better with the push-ups (4). Am I pathetic or what, I shouldn’t even be alive. I bet I sleep good tonight though.

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