Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 26

This is going to be good. 174 Woo hoo! 42 pounds total so far. That means another
picture day

Today was another busy day at work, I didn’t even get time for an apple but we did get done before 5 so that was a plus. I had a bowl of broccoli for dinner. My daughter Sarah and the grandkids were here when I got home and she helped Taylor and me with the puzzle that we are working on this month, a 2000 piece one.

She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw me. She said my legs are so skinny and she had to come feel them. She likes the space between my thighs. She said “mom, they are skinnier than mine!” but she is pregnant right now too. I love her. She is my biggest fan. The wind is blowing real hard so they are going to spend the night with us. I love it when they come up and the kids love it too when they get to stay over.

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